From article on Nothing stands still: An interview with Grand River:
How important is it for you to be innovative in your work – to generate new ideas in what you do, to push the boundaries and create something new?
Change and innovation are necessities for me. Nothing stands still, so I don’t think music can either. I slowly evolve every day, so my music evolves with me. If it didn’t, it would mean that I would force myself to remain stuck in a certain period of time.
Of course, I try to stimulate this process because generating new ideas, approaches and methods is highly rewarding to me. It’s what I want to keep doing.
Sometimes change is scary, but it can also be beautiful and the creative chaos before the change is such an interesting moment.
When the chaos hits, we don’t connect it with our desire for deep and lasting growth. The loss of control is the essence of that moment.
Ableton also did an interview with Grand River, in which you can see the weight artist puts on reflection during composition process (here, emphasis is mine):
Where do you listen to music? You have this great space. I’m wondering if there’s a particular room that is where you do all your listening or if you’re listening all over.
I do it in my living room a lot. I really like to distance myself from composition. I tend not to go back to it immediately. I need to take some time to understand it and to reflect on it. I always call these inhaling and exhaling periods. So when I’m inhaling, I’m studying, I’m researching and exhaling I’m creating, I’m putting out a new material. I think we are influenced by everything around us. What we see, what we do, what we hear, unconsciously always.
Thank you, @grandriver for the amazing work you deliver. It’s a sound that enhances silence, by truly capturing and accompanying the listener to give the best out there, whether it’s during work, study or other aspects of personal life.